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How to cancel Dropbox subscription

How To Cancel Dropbox Subscription

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Dropbox is a cloud-based storage provider with many helpful features and subscription levels, but it isn’t the best option for everyone. If you’ve subscribed to Dropbox but doesn’t meet your requirements, it could be best to cancel Dropbox subscription. So, there’s no need to worry; cancel Dropbox is always an option. This article explains how to cancel Dropbox subscription from different devices.

Cancel Dropbox Subscription on Desktop

You must take the following steps to cancel Dropbox subscription that is connected to a computer:

  1. Log in to your Dropbox account at
At first, log into your Dropbox account
  1. To access your profile, choose the image of yourself in the upper right corner of the screen.
After login, choose your image in the upper right corner
  1. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
Go to settings in Dropbox's dropdown menu
  1. You may choose “Plan” from the menu bar.
Now you can choose "Plan" from the menu
  1. Go to the page’s footer and click “Cancel Plan.”
Click the button to cancel the plan
  1. Choose the reason that best describes your decision to cancel Dropbox subscription.
  2. To proceed with cancelling, please click “Continue Canceling.”
  3. Please wait for Dropbox’s email confirming your account cancellation.

Cancel Dropbox Subscription on iPhone

You must take the following steps to cancel Dropbox subscription that is connected to a computer:

  1. Select the “Settings” icon on your iPhone’s home screen.
If you are an iPhone user, you'll need to go to Settings section
  1. In Settings, touch your name.
Now, touch your name
  1. Select “iTunes & App Store” in the drop-down option that appears.
  2. Select “Apple ID” in the menu bar.
  3. Just click on “View Apple ID.”
  4. Select “Subscriptions” from the drop-down menu.
Select "Tunes & App Store" and go to "Subscriptions" in Apple menu
  1. Locate “Dropbox” in the list of subscribers and click on it.
Find Dropbox app in Apple settings
  1. Just click “Cancel Subscription.” (If you’d end your trial early, click “Cancel Trial” instead.)
Click "Cancel subscription" or "Cancel trial"
  1. Select the “Confirm” button.
You can now confirm the cancellation of Dropbox subscription

Cancel Dropbox Subscription on Android

You must take the following steps to cancel Dropbox subscription that is connected to a android:

  1. Click “Google Play”
To cancel Dropbox on Android, go to "Google Play"
  1. Select the “Menu” icon.
Select the "Menu" icon
  1. Click “Payments and Subscriptions.”
Go to "Payments and subscriptions"settings in your Google settings
  1. Select “Subscriptions” and pick Dropbox.
Locate Dropbox from the list of all subscriptions
  1. Tap “Cancel Subscription” and specify a reason.
  2. Select “Continue.”
  3. Tap “Cancel Subscription.” (To cancel a trial, click “Cancel Trial.”)


It may seem challenging to cancel Dropbox subscription due to the multiple procedures that must be followed for various devices. But you’ll see that it’s pretty simple. The methods in this article will let you cancel your membership quickly and easily.

If you’d be missing any of Dropbox premium features, feel free to check current Dropbox plans and pricing comparison here and our comparison on Box vs Dropbox.

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