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Sprinklr vs Sprout Social

Sprinklr vs Sprout Social: Two Social Media Solutions Compared

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“Sprinklr vs Sprout Social” is a popular topic for companies when they want to choose a social CXM or social media management solution for their business. Each software has unique benefits, different features, and multiple prices. It creates complications for business owners in decisions.

Using social CXM or social media management solution approach is only practical if users choose the right solution. Organizations must use social CXM or social media management solution because customers want a consistent brand experience across all platforms. social CXM or social media management tools allow users to have better entrance to client data, enabling them to provide a consistent service across various media.

This article provides users with a clear comparison between Sprinklr and Sprout Social. Here’s what it covers:

  • What is Sprinklr?
  • What is Sprout Social?
  • Which product performs better in daily tasks?
  • Who provides more features?
  • Who gets the ease of use?
  • Price
  • What do people say?

What is Sprinklr?

Sprinklr is a cloud-technology software that helps most types of companies manage customer experience on multiple social platforms. This platform provides users with an all-in-one service, including social knowledge core, content marketing, media administration, paid advertising, website administration (first-party experience), and social listening.

Ragy Thomas is the founder of Sprinklr. He began to develop Sprinklr on September 24th, 2009, in his bedroom in New Jersey. Ragy Thomas launched Sprinklr with its first customer on January 15th, 2010. Cisco, Microsoft, and Nike were among the clients who swiftly signed up for the first service.

Sprinklr focuses on the following:

  1. Customer relationship management;
  2. Suitability for most sizes of companies;
  3. Assistance with numerous tasks and multiple social platforms.

Sprinklr Overview

What is Sprout Social?

Sprout Social is a popular SaaS application that encourages interaction between individuals and businesses. It simplifies interactions between a company’s clients, potential clients, and supporters. A corporation may advance in social communication through three key features (posting, interaction, and measuring).

Justyn Howard, Aaron Rankin, Gil Lara, and Peter Soung created Sprout Social in 2010. Justyn intended to leverage social media to sell products, but he could not locate the necessary software. Sprout Social serves over 20,000 clients from various sectors and employs over 700 people.

Sprout Social is a solution for:

  1. Customer relationship management; 
  2. Suitability for all business types;
  3. Support multiple platforms with different assignments.

Sprout Social Overview

Sprinklr vs Sprout Social: Which product performs better in daily tasks? 

Sprinklr product

Image source: sprinklr

The end-to-end capability provided by Sprinklr, which includes listening, moderation, advertising, analytics, and more, enables all teams that interact with customers to collaborate in a single virtual workspace. As a result, it aids in overcoming collaboration restrictions caused by the fact that various teams interact with clients using various technologies. 

With the social media management system of Sprinklr, users can integrate a social media plan into various corporate operations, including PR, events, sales, marketing, client support, and crisis governance. From conception to execution, social campaign collaboration is possible with Sprinklr. Users can utilize reporting data from various sources to demonstrate the ROI of social content. 

Image source: sprinklr

Sprinklr Listening includes a wide range of social media and chat services, as well as blogs, forums, and news websites. It offers research and insights on client preferences and options worldwide based on artificial intelligence. Businesses may utilize Sprinklr’s social listening data to assess engagement rates, monitor competitors, and gauge consumer sentiment and industry trends. 

Sprinklr Governance offers role-based controls, two-factor verification, and SSO connectivity to manage access to platform features. Sprinklr guarantees that any content posted from the platform has been examined and authorized.

Sprout Social product

Image source: sproutsocial

Sprout Social helps users solve daily tasks with social media engagement, publishing, and analytics tools. It is a powerful social CXM solution accessible through web browsers, iOS apps, and Android apps. Sprout Social is a Google+ Pages API Partner, a Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer, and a Twitter Certified Product.

By making it straightforward to begin, participate, and keep an eye on social interactions, Sprout Social allows users to create and sustain their community. Sprout Social addresses any issues or inquiries users’ clients may have and helps improve their relationships. 

Sprout Social supports users with a well-organized dashboard with six separate components for texts, tasks, feed, posting, exploration, and reports. These sections can help businesses understand where they stand with their clients and potential clients. Businesses may gain from the program by locating and interacting with clients who may be profitable for their business.

Image source: sproutsocial 

The Smart Inbox collects each client interaction into a single stream. This capability enables users to keep an eye on incoming communications from linked networks and to respond quickly. Users can access chat histories and contact information to understand customer interactions and tailor their answers.

Winner: Sprinklr

Although both social CXM and social media management solution platforms help users to solve and manage daily social work, Sprout Social has some limits for depth tasks and multi-platform.

Image source: slideteam

  • Lacking YouTube and social image tracking;
  • Lacking group posting on Facebook and LinkedIn;
  • Unified Inbox, no parallel streams;
  • Limited filtration;
  • The scheduler only allows distinct periods for weekdays and weekends.

Sprinklr is the best choice for social customer experience management with multi-platforms when comparing Sprinklr vs Sprout Social.

Sprinklr vs Sprout Social: Who provides more features?

Sprinklr features

Image source: sprinklr

The main functions of Sprinklr focus on improving the user’s experience via three primary functions: 

  • Modern care;
  • Modern research;
  • Modern marketing & advertising.
Sprinklr key featuresDescription
Social media interaction and publicationUsers can develop, produce, and control social content throughout various platforms via a single interface. People can use automated processes, intuitive regulation, and interaction monitors to share across departments and respond to consumer interaction.
DistributionWith the help of Sprinklr, businesses can provide their distributed teams (sales, regional management, and special agents) with a simple, branded experience to use while engaging with clients on their preferred social media and digital platforms.
Ratings and review administrationUsers may gather feedback on content and track ratings to get further customer insights. They then incorporate ratings and feedback at the transaction moment on a website or mobile app to increase conversion rates.
Conversational businessSprinklr uses chat-based commerce experience technology to help agents or bots guide consumers from initial intention to transaction. This feature drives product selection and assessment with AI, integrated product catalogs, and a single commerce connection.

Sprout Social features

Image source: bigwing

Sprout Social’s features target simplifying and completing the daily assignments of businesses. Sprout Social keeps its features away from complication.

Sprout Social key featuresDescription
Social multi-channel integrationSprout Social allows users to integrate their system with many social media platforms, including Facebook, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TripAdvisor, and Twitter.
Social content postingThrough social content creation and scheduling tools, Sprout Social assists customers in optimizing the team’s posting procedures and controlling all social channels from one spot.
Social media engagementSprout Social provides users with a suite of engagement components, including an intelligent inbox, bot builder, social CRM, review governance, and help desk integration. It supports users in society administration and consumer care.
Social media listeningA listening feature in Sprout Social enables businesses to get information from customer behavior on various social media networks. People who choose the primary option can access Twitter with a standard subscription. In the advanced option, users can access more social media channels.
Social media analyticsSprout Social offers a variety of analytics and reports. They support departments in tracking KPI success and strengthen social media initiatives with data-driven precision. Compared to the metrics provided by the social media sites themselves, the Sprout Social analytics package is a significant advance.

Draw result

Businesses expect a social customer experience management system to improve their insight into consumer data and provide a consistent experience across various channels.  Understanding this, developers from Sprinklr and Sprout Social create features that support users to perform better in daily tasks such as content marketing, brand management, post scheduling, social listening, and multi-platform reporting. The key is that each solution targets a specific type of business.

Sprout Social vs Sprinklr: Who gets the ease of use?

Sprinklr’s ease of use

Image source: sprinklr

There are a lot of details to learn for users before they start using all the components when comparing Sprinklr vs Sprout Social. Using Sprinklr may be overwhelming for beginners. There are many options to achieve a goal that can be challenging to figure out where to begin. Although Sprinklr offers users multiple support and training methods, it is still a significant barrier.

The user interface of Sprinklr is messy. Most people suppose that learning about new capabilities and tools takes a while. It would be best if Sprinklr had a search function for its features. Users get a notification email every time a piece of content is on air. It takes time and effort for users to remove them.

The Sprinklr mobile app is challenging even if it has several innovative technologies at its core. Many users find it simple to use Sprinklr posting through a web browser, which makes things inconvenient when they are on the go.

Sprout Social’s ease of use

Image source: sproutsocial

Sprout Social is a solid social media management solution with broad platform compatibility, which is simple to use. The user interface of Sprout Social is straightforward. The right-side quick-access switches help reduce the clicks required to perform routine tasks.

Users can schedule numerous posts at once by using the posting tool.  For simple scheduling, users can pre-pick particular times of the week when they want to post to every social media network. It allows users to take advantage of the time when audiences are most engaged. 

The tagging function of Sprout Social is great for corporate organizing when combined with specific views. It’s a fantastic complement to the team-based elements of the platform that Sprout Social excels at. The software offers several options to locate articles to repost, including a connection with Feedly. Users can access the sources they follow from the app’s UI and share material.

Winner: Sprout Social

While Sprinklr is complicated for new users, Sprout Social is clean and straightforward. For people who get their first time using a social CRM solution, Sprout Social is the choice that comes out on top when comparing Sprinklr vs Sprout Social.

Sprinklr vs Sprout Social: Price

Sprinklr Pricing

Sprinklr offers a free trial tailored to the user’s needs without disclosing the public cost. Because its price is costly, Sprinklr keeps bundles and rates private.

Image source: sprinklr

Users must meet the Sprinklr sales departments to discuss their specific operational requirements. This action allows users to obtain the price and demo customized for them. Businesses can deploy the complete platform or just one or more available features. This action affects pricing.

Compared to its rivals, Sprinklr costs more. The size of the business and the total number of users affect the ultimate cost. To specify the business’s terms, licenses, and price, the Sprinklr team must conduct an RFP process. This method is challenging and time-taking.

Sprinklr is the best choice for big-size businesses that can benefit from its features. Sprinklr focuses on leading brands with big teams and big budgets. There are fewer choices available to freelancers and small businesses although Sprinklr is worth the money.

Sprout Social Pricing

If users are just interested in exploring the UI and functionality set, they may test Sprout Social with the free option of a 30-day trial without providing credit card information. More Sprout Social pricing info.

Image source: sproutsocial

There are three different subscription levels after the free trial:

  1. The Standard bundle of the Sprout Social services costs $89 per user per month (paid yearly) or $99 per month. Some essential features offered by this entry-level subscription are the intelligent inbox, social content posting, social post scheduling, and connectivity with up to five social networks. 
  2. The Professional subscription costs $149 per user per month (paid yearly) or $169 per month. This package comes with ten social accounts, greater customization, and various extra statistics.
  3. The Advanced package costs $249 per user per month (paid yearly) or $279 per month. At this level, companies may utilize the content library, create chatbots, and use Twitter polls to collect Net Promoter Score data.

Winner: Sprout Social

The price of Sprinklr is costly for small-size companies and freelancers because it focuses on massive corporations and leading brands. Sprout Social’s plans are transparent and suited for tiny businesses and agencies. If it is the first time for users to try a social customer experience management tool with a small budget, Sprout Social is the top choice when comparing Sprinklr vs Sprout Social.

Sprinklr vs Sprout Social: What do people say?

Sprinklr reviews

Image source: sprinklr

Many users claim that Sprinklr allows them to maintain a constant social management procedure and finish all daily social tasks. Adam (an import businessman) said he was no longer laboring on conducting various social media platforms because Sprinklr integrated them into one calendar.

Companies suppose that using Sprinklr is complicated and time-consuming. Customer service and technical assistance from Sprinklr take a long time to respond to. Kaylee (a consumer specialist) said it took a long time to set up Sprinklr, and its UI is unclear as other channels she had used.

Sprinklr costs more than the standard of the sector for all pricing plans. Although some suppliers provide web-based technologies as a package component, users must charge money for training as purchasers. Wynne (a hospital manager) said he had to pay more money to get more training about Sprinklr.

Sprinklr’s UX is unstable and consistent every time. Many users complained they used to have trouble with data loading times. Tonisha (a small business owner) reported there were weird times of unexplained lag and errors.

Sprout Social reviews

Image source: sproutsocial

Businesses believe Sprout Social has many fantastic capabilities for small and large companies. Leslie (a senior project manager) said that he loved Sprout Social because it provided a clear structure, quick account connecting, and convenient post-scheduling.

Sprout Social lacks integrations of Youtube and Pinterest. This fact prevents users from scanning their Pinterest or YouTube accounts. Crystal (a marketing director) said that the smart inbox of Prout Social had no feature for handling YouTube comments which would meet her company’s requirements.

If users have a large team that needs access to the platform, the cost of the platform may rise many times, although the adoption of Sprout Social by bigger teams reveals its true potential. James (a chief marketing officer) complained that the restriction to 10 platforms and the cost of adding more hampered his small firm’s ability to manage social media campaigns.

Sprout Social’s smart inbox has no side streamlets. This fact causes inconvenience for users in managing social posts. Alexis (a digital media marketer) said he hated including posts in the smart inbox function because it was challenging to browse when he had a lot of pages and content.

Sprinklr vs Sprout Social – Conclusion

There is no disputing that Sprinklr offers an incredible variety of features to assist users worldwide in their daily list of tasks. It will be a great choice if users are big organizations with the money to invest and a specific team. Even though Sprout Social is more straightforward, it is powerful. It will improve the quality of the experience companies provide for their customers and followers. It is a top choice for freelancers, agencies, and enterprises to become more structured, cooperative, and motivated.

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