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what is springcm

What is SpringCM – Everything You Need To Know

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Powered by DocuSign, SpringCM is a secure cloud platform known for its ability to create, manage, and store important documents in one place. It enables companies to accomplish document-based processes, such as contract management, invoice processing, and HR onboarding. Furthermore, SpringCM provides core features such as document storage, versioning, and collaboration tools, as well as the ability to create custom workflow processes that integrate with company-specific systems. All in all, SpringCM is a platform that helps businesses streamline their document-related activities, increase efficiency, and improve compliance.

What Is SpringCM Used For? 

SpringCM is a powerful tool that companies can use to automate and streamline their workflows. By using the platform, businesses can create custom workflows that are tailored to their specific needs. This empowers them to automate repetitive tasks, such as routing documents for approval, tracking progress, and sending notifications to update team members accordingly.

In addition to enhancing workflows, SpringCM showcases its ability to facilitate the redlining and negotiation of legal contracts. The platform offers robust collaboration tools that allow multiple parties to review, edit, and approve contracts in real time. This can increase the efficiency of the contract negotiation process and ensure that all parties are on the same page.

SpringCM also provides clients with a comprehensive document management system that allows companies to store and organize their documents in a centralized location. This makes it easy for employees to find the documents they need as the platform’s advanced search capabilities eliminate the time needed to search multiple locations. 

Lastly, another useful feature of SpringCM is its ability to generate new documents from templates. Companies can quickly create standard documents, such as contracts, invoices, and other business forms, without having to start from scratch each time. This allows them the opportunity to save a significant amount of time and effort, and ensure that all documents are consistent and in compliance with company policies.

  • Automate company workflows
  • Redline and negotiate contracts
  • Organize and search for documents
  • Generate documents from templates

SpringCM Overview

Who Uses SpringCM? 

Rise Interactive, Aetna, Popsugar, and Emma are among the many companies that use SpringCM to manage their documents and contracts.

  1. Aetna
  2. Emma
  3. Popsugar
  4. RiseInteractive

Aetna, a healthcare company, uses SpringCM to create contracts for its providers and suppliers. Emma, a company that provides email marketing services, leverages SpringCM to manage their contracts with clients. Popsugar, a lifestyle media company, takes advantage of SpringCM to interact with partners and advertisers alike. Lastly, Rise Interactive, a digital marketing agency, uses SpringCM to manage and track its contracts with clients. All of these companies take advantage of SpringCM’s workflow automation capabilities, contract management features, and approval and signature process to accomplish what they need to be done. 

What Does SpringCM Do? 

SpringCM is an integral tool that businesses can use to manage their contract lifecycle and create agreements on the DocuSign platform.

  • Manages the contract lifecycle. 
  • Provides a platform for DocuSign agreements. 

The platform provides simple features that make it easy for businesses to manage their contracts from start to finish. For example, businesses can use SpringCM to develop new contracts from templates, send them to the appropriate personnel for approval, and track their completion. This ensures that contracts are completed and signed in a timely manner, which helps to keep operations running smoothly.

Alongside its contract management capabilities, SpringCM also allows businesses to easily create agreements within the DocuSign-sponsored platform. SpringCM’s support form DocuSign allows for teams to take advantage of the widely-used electronic signature platform that allows businesses to legally sign, send and manage documents securely online. 

How Does SpringCM Work?

If you or your company are looking to engage with DocuSign’s SpringCm product, let’s take a closer look at what the steps might look like to operate the platform

  1. First, it is necessary to set up an account with SpringCM to assign user roles and permissions, create document templates, and configure workflows.
  2. Next, a company would need to create a new contract by using one of the platform’s many template offerings and update it with the pertinent information accordingly. 
  3. Once the contract is created, it can be sent to the appropriate parties within the platform for review and approval. 
  4. After the contract is approved, it would be sent to other parties for additional signatures as needed. SpringCM easily integrates with the e-signature platform DocuSign to facilitate seamless completion. 
  5. When all contractual steps are completed, the document can then be stored in SpringCM’s centralized document repository where users can leverage the platform’s intuitive search capabilities to find the document again when needed. 
  6. Furthermore, a company is offered the ability to set up reminders for important deadlines and renewal dates, ensuring that contracts are renewed or terminated on time.
  7. Every step of the way, SpringCM continuously monitors important metrics such as contract completion rate, the average time to complete a contract, and other key performance indicators so personnel can seek to understand user behavior.

SpringCM Features

SpringCMs platform offers dozens of different features to help businesses manage their contracts and documents more efficiently. Below, we have highlighted six core components of the platform and described how they could help your company succeed

Contract DraftingVersion Control
Document StorageData Extraction
Contract ManagementPre-Built Templates

The DocuSign-sponsored platform allows businesses to create new contracts from pre-built templates, which can be customized to meet their specific needs. It stores important contracts and files in a core location, making it easy for all involved individuals to access the repository. A number of features throughout the service allow businesses to manage their contract workflow, such as integrating document approval, providing signatures electronically, and keeping track of key metrics. 

Additionally, SpringCM can keep track of all versions of a contract, making it easy to see who made changes and when. This can help to ensure compliance and improve transparency. SpringCM can automatically extract key data points from contracts, such as expiration dates, renewal terms, and other important details. Lastly, the service contributes a variety of pre-built templates for common contract types, such as NDAs, service agreements, and purchase orders. 

What Does SpringCM Integrate With? 

Naturally, since SpringCM is a DocuSign product, it integrates with a number of popular web-based applications. Take a look at the list below to learn more about which services your company can consider integrating SpringCM with

  1. SAP
  2. Apple
  3. Oracle
  4. Salesforce
  5. Google Suite
  6. Microsoft Products

Who Are SpringCM’s Competitors and Alternatives?

There are dozens of alternative solutions to SpringCM that offer individuals and companies the opportunity to manage documents and contracts, and electronically sign agreements in an online environment. Although many of these competitors in the space offer distinct feature sets that are intended to separate themselves from the rest of the market space. Let’s highlight a few of the trending document management companies in the sector below to gain a better understanding of what SpringCM is up against. 

  • DocuShare: A cloud-based platform built for enterprise companies looking to digitize paperwork and automate manual processes. 
  • M-Files: Allows business clients to manage and find digital documents in one central repository. 
  • FileHold: Increases company efficiency by transitioning paper-based intellectual property rights into a secure online library. 
  • Lexion: Enables legal teams to centralize their contract lifecycle and automate strategic workflows. 
  • Jotform: Creates digital documents that can obtain electronic signatures in a matter of minutes. 
  • ContractNow: Contract management software built for teams looking to gain visibility and control. 

SpringCM Pricing 

SpringCM does not explicitly list its pricing plans on its website. Instead, they redirect interested parties to the DocuSign website for more information. This is likely because SpringCM is integrated with DocuSign, and the pricing for the two platforms is thought to be bundled together. To find out more information about the pricing, interested parties can schedule a sales call through the DocuSign platform. This allows for a more personalized experience, as a sales representative can discuss the specific needs of the business and provide a customized pricing plan that fits their budget. Additionally, this approach enables the sales representative to engage in a consultative selling style in order to understand the needs of clients further.

Pricing PlanContact sales for further information. 
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