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B2B Data Providers

The Complete Guide To B2B Data Providers For Businesses

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As a business, you need to access and use accurate B2B data providers to make intelligent decisions that lead your organization forward. Data provides critical insights that enable smart decisions and inform strategies for growth. To do this, businesses must find reliable B2B data providers – organizations that provide industry-specific information and insights on companies, prospects, and the marketplace. 

This guide will help you understand the following:

  • What are B2B data providers?
  • What is B2B data used for?
  • What type of data do B2B data providers have?
  • How can you choose the right B2B data provider for your company?

What Are B2B Data Providers?

B2B Data Providers are businesses that gather and provide B2B data to be used in sales and marketing activities. B2b data is the information about different organizations, their products or services, staff, operations, and other business relationship variables that B2B companies use to refine their processes and increase efficiency. B2B data providers can access business records, specific client insights, and current market conditions. 

B2B Data Providers offer an array of resources to help companies make better business decisions while freeing up time and resources to allow them to focus on other core parts of their operations. B2B Data Providers are a valuable asset to any company that wishes to investigate vital business activities within the corporate environment.

What Is B2B Data Used For?

Sales Prospecting

B2B sales teams like SDRs can use B2B data to improve their chances of making a sale.

B2B Data benefits for sales prospectingDescription
Uncover the hidden potential of your clientsBy leveraging data analytics, you can segment prospects into distinct categories and evaluate them based on a specific set of criteria for optimal results.
Enhance product and industry wisdomYou can understand what your companies think of your products with B2B data. This valuable insight can help you stay ahead by making informed adjustments based on their direct feedback.
Help your prospects identify their exact needs and pain pointsPersonalization enables you to craft a more meaningful conversation with them via tailored questions that can have tangible results.
Unlock the secret to better understanding your clientsYou can utilize B2B data to build an image of their needs and use it as a foundation for creating compelling sales pitches.
Identify key players in the industry and define effective ways of getting in touch with themYou can acquire valuable insights on targeting prospects that match your ideal client profile, letting you amplify visibility among those who matter most.
Supplement existing data sets with more up-to-date and relevant informationWith a meticulous approach to managing existing datasets, you will be well-positioned to leverage this enriched resource. You can acquire the insight necessary to make insightful decisions that are both timely and accurate. 


Marketers rely on B2B data providers to unlock a range of powerful marketing opportunities. With access to high-quality, precise datasets, campaigns can be tailored for the highest impact in areas such as outbound lead generation and client retention.

B2B Data benefits for marketingDescription
Make an ideal client profileIt’s useful for sales and marketing activities.
Increase demand generationWith B2B data at your disposal, you can determine what content is relevant in your market and helps drive demand.
Improve lead generationB2B data enables you to create leads more efficiently since you can focus on a specific audience to meet their demands better rather than conducting mass-marketing efforts.
Make data-driven judgmentsData removes most guesswork, allowing you to base your decisions on facts.
Improve your understanding of your target audienceKnowing your target market helps you customize information and make it relevant.


Take a closer look at these impressive stats. The results are remarkable, giving us an insight into B2B data’s impact and importance for recruitment.

  1. 74% of managers and recruiters admit to hiring the incorrect individual for the position.
  2. Attrition is one of the most expensive HR variables, accounting for 75% of new staff requirements.
  3. On average, companies lose $14,900 for each unsuccessful hiring (not including the wages given to unproductive workers). 

B2B data-driven recruiting can be a powerful tool to identify top talent, explicitly pinpointing the sources of strong candidates and providing essential information on their compensation.

B2B Data benefits for recruitingDescription
Plan your budgetYou may track the source of hiring to understand which recruitment channels bring in the most qualified prospects to spend your cash.
Increase performance and effectivenessYou may measure how many emails your recruiting team members exchange with candidates to determine if there are any specific phases where you can shorten your time-to-hire.
Check out recruiting issuesExamine your application form conversion rates to see whether you need to change your questions or revamp your website. The same is valid for diversity: examine applicant demographics to check out if you are discriminating against protected groups.
Analyze and forecast your hiringRecruiting yield ratios may show how many applications it takes to make a single hiring. If there aren’t enough applicants, try sourcing or re-advertising the position.
Make more objective employment decisionsThe best candidate can be chosen based on assessment scores, and structured interview results are an effective hiring method.
Improve the applicant experienceBy discovering data points, you may eliminate obstacles preventing top-tier candidates from completing the application process. As a consequence, you start to evolve and optimize your candidate experience such that it is appealing to your target applicants.
Make a case for bettering the recruiting processIf you know that your organization should engage in a referral program, you may give statistics demonstrating this strategy’s efficacy to back up your case.

What Type of Data do B2B Data Providers Have?

Work Emails

B2B data providers supply various types of “work email” data. Work email data can include contact information for individuals within a company, such as:

  1. Their name
  2. Job title
  3. Email address

Whether it’s a list of industry professionals, executives, or specific target audiences, these providers have helped you do all the hard work. Providers collect the data from various sources, including public records, business directories, and other online and offline sources. This data is updated regularly to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

Personal Email

A personal email is an email address used for personal communication, as opposed to email addresses used for business or professional purposes. Personal email addresses are created and managed by individuals rather than companies or organizations. 

Businesses can use these email addresses for various purposes, such as sending marketing materials, making sales pitches, or establishing business relationships. But they’re more frequently used for recruiting purposes.

Work Phone

Work phone numbers are great for cold calling and building cold call lists.When used correctly, companies can utilize work phone numbers as an invaluable resource for sales and marketing campaigns. B2B data providers collect work phone numbers from various sources like LinkedIn, web searches, and public directories.

Work phone numbers allow businesses to call decision-makers directly to communicate their message quickly and efficiently. Companies can use work phone data to make cold calls with the goal of booking a meeting.

Mobile Phone

Personal mobile phones are phone numbers used by individuals for private communication and activities.

Enterprises can use personal mobile phones for the following purposes with targeted text messages that capture user attention. 

  • Cold calls is #1 reason for mobile phones
  • Delivering promotional materials
  • Product reviews
  • Price updates
  • Coupons and discounts 

Mobile phone numbers also provide businesses with valuable insights into companies’ needs and purchasing habits while at the same time building relationships with prospects. With access to extensive client data on personal mobile phones, companies are well-equipped to go above and beyond in meeting client desires which can increase conversion rates.

Intent Data

Intent data is a win-win situation for organizations and companies. B2B data providers collect intent data by tracking what potential companies do online, such as the pages they visit and their search terms. 

For businesses, intent data enables them to understand their target audience better. They can tailor their sales and marketing pitches. This ability helps companies to increase conversions by matching prospects’ interests more closely with a business’s offerings. 

For suppliers, intent data helps them to identify companies that are looking for products or services similar to theirs. They can direct their resources toward those most likely to become companies – maximizing efficiency plus ROI.

Technographic Data

Technographic data contains detailed, structured information about the technology solutions used by specific businesses (or segments of firms). This data can include the company’s systems and software to complete its processes and adopt new tech solutions. Technographic data provide a window into a business’s technology capabilities and can be valuable in B2B marketing and sales. 

B2B data providers collect technographic data through surveys, telephone interviews, analyzing publicly available information, and web crawlers/scrapers which scan target websites. Companies can then use this data to identify trends, understand client needs and preferences, segment out specific groups of buyers, focus limited resources, or tailor customized product and service offerings.

Firmographic Data

Firmographic data consists of specific company information such as size, location, and industry, highlighting the characteristics that help create trends among companies. B2B data providers have access to comprehensive datasets collected through online research sources, surveys, and partnerships with leading suppliers of this type of information. 

Users can use firmographic data to identify target audiences based on the firm’s size, years in business, or the industry they operate in. This fact makes it easier to focus efforts on accounts that are more likely to be interested in their product or service. 

With this kind of intelligence,  business owners can be more strategic with their sales and marketing investments, ensuring their message reaches potential companies who may be valuable long-term prospects.

Other data

Other types of data, like news, trigger events, etc., play an invaluable role in many businesses. They can be a powerful tool for sales and marketing teams to maximize an organization’s efficiency and reach by providing them with insights into the latest client preferences. 

B2B data providers collect these data from various sources, such as business emails, client surveys, and online research. From this information, buyers can better understand their target audience and use it to create effective strategies tailored to those companies’ occasions. 

What Makes A Quality B2B Data Provider?

Accuracy of Data

Accurate data is essential for driving meaningful business decisions and developing strategies. Accurate data reflects the current state of the market and provides reliable insights, giving organizations access to valuable intelligence to make well-informed decisions with a low risk of failure. 

With accurate data, businesses can get a clear picture of the client or market they operate in – making it impossible to make decisions that will lead to success. This reason is why data accuracy is such an essential factor when choosing a B2B data provider. 

Low Bounce Rate

Using data at the right moment and in the correct method is necessary to perform its power. When organizations invest in data, they expect it to function. Reaching the correct audience is critical to the success of any marketing. Non-deliverability is a common issue for sales and marketing organizations, particularly for email marketing initiatives. This fact might have a negative influence on your company objectives. Find answers to these questions before investing in data solutions.

Mobile Numbers

If the sales teams has numbers to phone, they can have more conversations. Many B2B data suppliers contain gaps, such as leaving phone sections blank or filling them with the general line for the company’s headquarters – which may be empty because many continue to work remotely. Getting to the decision-maker can be a significant challenge, resulting in call reluctance for sales. 

Ensure that your sales team has direct access to decision-makers. You will save time and boost the likelihood of deals progressing ahead in the sales process. As you look around, be sure that B2B data providers supply direct dial and mobile numbers in your solution package and not an extra cost from the supplier. Make no assumptions about what your box will include.

Volume of Data

Big volumes of data are essential to any business looking to promote growth and build a competitive advantage. Companies rely on data daily to make informed decisions about marketing strategies, product development, and client service. Utilizing accurate and up-to-date data helps businesses stay ahead of the curve in decision-making. 

A quality B2B data provider must be able to provide large volumes of data for companies to take advantage of the insights available to optimize operations and gain a better understanding of their companies.

Category Depth

Most client data platforms exchange fundamental data, including firmographics and demographics. But, more sophisticated B2B data providers will make additional, more difficult-to-access data accessible to their partners. The criterion filters of company revenue, psychographics, technology, and trigger events are unique and valuable.

Regularly Updated

In the ever-evolving world of business, companies need to have access to up-to-date data from reliable sources. A good B2B data provider must understand the importance of regularly updating its records, as having accurate and up-to-date information can help businesses make sound decisions quickly. A company can improve efficiency and boost its profits by leveraging current market information regarding prices, products, competitor activity, and consumer habits.

B2B Data Features

B2B data providers supply business data to sales teams and B2B enterprises. They include corporate details, such as:

  • List of decision makers and their contact information, such as email addresses, personal email, phone numbers, mobile numbers, and addresses, among other things.
  • Address of the company and its fiscal region.
  • Employee list with contact information.
  • Accounts for the previous fiscal year.
  • Other data like news and trigger events.

B2B data providers can also undertake original analytics on the prospective prospects of the company. That information is essential for everyone, including prospective business partners, investors, sales agents, or clients.

Who Are Top B2B Data providers? 


Image source: Adapt website

Adapt is an innovative technological tool that helps business owners aggregate, organize and analyze client data. Adapt provides many advantages, such as a low cost of entry and easy integration with existing client service systems. But, its features are limited compared to some of its competitors. Users need to ensure it fits their needs before investing.


Image source: BuiltWith website

BuiltWith is a data provider that offers businesses a way to outweigh their competition. BuiltWith gives users an accurate picture of the current market landscape, making it easier to identify opportunities and threats. Some disadvantages include guaranteeing that the data will be 100% accurate or up-to-date. If not used correctly, access to such detailed data may result in a skewed reality.


Cognism is a data provider that monitors online business events, local company information, and other data sources and then aggregates it in a database. It is helpful for salespeople as it eliminates the need for manual lead research, helping them to contact potential prospects quickly. The database could be missing contacts due to changes in organization size or contact roles.  Read about what is Cognism to get more info on the B2B sales tool.


`Image source: Datanyze website

Datanyze is a data provider offering business intelligence and lead-generation tools to marketers, sales teams, and investors. It is easy to use. One of the pros of using Datanyze is the accuracy of data verified regularly. Another advantage is that a friendly UI/UX design manages the user experience. A downside to using this service provider would be its cost, as some report finding it expensive compared with other providers in the market.


Image source: EasyLeadz website 

EasyLeadz is a data provider that has become popular for collecting user information and tracking client behaviors. EasyLeadz uses sophisticated algorithms to provide accurate, timely, and reliable insights. Its advanced analytics capabilities allow users to build reports on current performance or update existing ones quickly and without hassle. Some of its potential weaknesses include the lack of detailed information about specific users or sectors and high costs for extra features.


Image source: Lead411 website 

Lead411 boasts millions of records for businesses worldwide and uses powerful search filters like geography and domain to help target prospects quickly. Lead411 allows companies to plug their campaigns into their system to contact candidates in bulk. It has some drawbacks, such as its reliance on opting-in professionals for contact information which can limit available evidence. Some of its competitors provide a better range of features at similar cost structures.


Image source: Lusha website 

Lusha offers plenty of useful applications for organizations searching for reliable contact information solutions. The advantages of using Lusha’s services include reduced time researching contacts, a comprehensive database of contacts and companies, and multi-use datasets making data categorization possible. Some users have experienced difficulty in finding accurate data due to unreliable sources, and feedback shared by other users suggests the need for further improvement in client support provided. For more info on what is Lusha.


Image source: OneMoreLead website

OneMoreLead’s approach to lead management helps businesses identify their target client, build custom or automated communication sequences, and track performance all in one place. Their user-friendly interface has made them popular with other companies who have had success leveraging the platform to capture qualified leads. Some companies feel more automation capabilities could be available through the platform – which could help improve lead conversion rates even further.


image source: PureB2B website 

Using accurate, up-to-date B2B data, PureB2B helps companies create targeted campaigns that reach their key prospects. This ability can help businesses save time and generate more leads with better quality. The company also leverages its extensive network and AI-driven technology to maintain comprehensive databases for niche markets such as financial services and healthcare. Businesses should consider the associated costs and ensure they are within their budget before signing on with the company.


Image source: RocketReach website

RocketReach is a well-known data provider that can help businesses and organizations access more than 260 million profiles of people, gaining valuable insights. The platform offers various features, such as validating emails, real-time updates, and integrations with other services like Salesforce and Zoominfo. There are some drawbacks associated with it, such as its cost and lack of spam filters which could lead to non-quality leads. 


Image source: SalesIntel website

SalesIntel is a trusted data provider that offers businesses up-to-date, reliable contact and account information. SalesIntel also provides users with added benefits, such as a global email verifier to give them immediate feedback on the accuracy of any contact records in their daily outreach programs. SalesIntel has cons, such as lacking other prospecting features, like automated sequence or cold email campaigns.

Image source: Seamless website 

Seamless is a data provider that offers its users extensive access to various resources within their network. It means that users can access tailored insights from trusted service providers, helping them to make more informed decisions. But, those who don’t have an account with Seamless can’t access the same tools and services available to platform users.

Image source: Snov website 

Snov receives details directly from users via a custom integration, ensuring accuracy and relevancy according to the needs of the business. It also provides web crawling capabilities, auto-enrichment of data, and more. Many benefits come with using Snov data provider, such as streamlining lead generation, saving time in research optimization tasks, and leveraging detailed client profiles. One potential downside is its cost structure since prices may vary depending on how much companies pull data into the system.


image source: UpLead website

UpLead is an easy-to-use platform that allows businesses to search and filter 2+M contacts by job title, location, industry, and more. UpLead also enables users to store their findings in lists for future reference and send automated email campaigns for lead generation. UpLead requires technical knowledge of leveraging its platform for maximum efficiency.


Image source: ZoomInfo website 

ZoomInfo is a robust database offering more than 150 million people comprehensive contact information. Utilizing AI technology, the platform researches business contacts worldwide and normalizes, updates, formats, and appends data in real-time. It is important to note that ZoomInfo offers limited client support after sales and no Money-Back Guarantee or free trial period. Furthermore, the cost of their services can be high depending on your chosen plan.

B2B Data Provider Pricing

Pricing is one of the most critical factors in evaluating a B2B data provider. Quality of solutions and services is also important, but if the costs are prohibitive, it will be a roadblock for any potential engagement. A successful outsourcing relationship rests on honesty and transparency about pricing and cost components.

Below is a reference list of pricing for B2B data providers:

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